Web Hosting – Self Management w/ Support and Advisory Services Tier 8
$469.88 / month
Pricing (depending on which plan you have) may include both Development and Production Website Hosting Space, documented A/A+ security rating from Probely and Qualisys, over $400 worth of premium components (Backuply, WP Forms Elite, WP SMTP Pro, Loginizer Pro) , DNS Hosting, Domain Registration/Renewal (in our Registrar), Proxy/Caching, DDOS Protection, Web Cloaking, Local Geo Cached Content, etc.
Web Hosting – Self Management w/ Support and Advisory Services Tier 8
After purchasing this service you will receive a Contract sent thru email via DocuSign from us.
You must sign and initial the DocuSign contract as required and then submit the completed document back to us via DocuSign.
Provisioning of services will not begin until we receive the signed and initialed DocuSign contract back from you.